What if I am wrong?

Written by ettie.v

from Centurion, South Africa

15 August 2023

Just among my friends, there are many different opinions regarding theological issues – baptism, communion, the rapture, spiritual warfare, prosperity teachings, predestination, and many more. I have learned to be able to put our differences aside and focus on that which is important – on Jesus, that faith in Him is our way to salvation, and that I want my life to glorify Him – wherever I find myself! <br /><br />I grew up Reformed and went to a more Pentecostal/Charismatic Bible college, which I believe brought a lot of balance in my theology. I have been in ministry and worked interdenominationally for more than 13 years. I have never been in a church where I agree with 100% of all the teachings. Like I said, even among close friends, we differ in what we believe the Bible really teaches. This does not disqualify us from being brothers and sisters – still… one of us is right and one of us is wrong. <br /><br />Leonard Sweet said, “I warn my students that at my very best, 80 percent of my theology is correct, 20 percent is wrong. The problem is, I’m not sure which is the 80 percent, and which isn’t.” <br /><br />What does it feel like being wrong? <br /><br />Most people would say that it feels bad to be wrong. But, for the most part, being wrong feels exactly the same as being right, since most often we don’t know or understand that we are actually wrong. Most of the time, we think we are right! <br /><br />When I discover that I am wrong – only then do I feel embarrassed or humiliated. <br /><br />It is possible for us to be wrong about something that we feel 100% certain about. It is only when we are open to considering that we might be wrong that we are placing ourselves in a position where we could grow. <br /><br />We are without a doubt wrong about certain things. When we realize we are wrong and we learn the truth, then we grow. If we never change our minds – and we still believe exactly the same as we did 10 years ago, then we didn’t grow. <br /><br />I believe I did a lot of growing over the last few years. I realized that the Bible was not as black and white regarding same-sex relationships as I always thought it was. I realized that there might be room for me to be me – to be the gay man I always suppressed. <br /><br />Immediately the questions pop up in my mind: “What if I am wrong?” “What if living a gay lifestyle is not acceptable to God?” “What if I end up living in sin?” “What if I end up going to hell?” <br /><br />Maybe the larger question is: “Can I still trust in the goodness of God?” <br /><br />For many gay Christians there is real fear involved in these questions. <br /><br />Jesus said concerning those crucifying Him: “Forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34a) I believe that even if we end up being wrong in our beliefs and convictions – we can still trust that God’s goodness, grace and love is enough! <br /><br />There is certainly a chance that I am wrong and that I have completely missed God on this. Does that mean I need to play it safe? Live a celibate life… just in case I am wrong? <br /><br />In Matthew 25:14-30, we read the parable of the 10 talents – and the master is furious at the third servant who played it safe. It sometimes seems reasonable to play it safe – but what if that is exactly what infuriates the master? At surface level, it seems like the master is only concerned about profit (and we should not waste the gifts that God has given us). On a deeper level, it is about how we relate to God. The servant was afraid of the master and operated from a fear-based mentality. God does not want us to play it safe because we fear disappointing Him. God does not want us to live in fear… but rather live in freedom, in His love, in His mercy and in His grace. <br /><br /><strong>Blog inspired by and based on a free devotional: What if I am wrong? By Shannon Casey on “Our Bible” app.</strong>

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